When the mandate to wear face masks or coverings when leaving home was announced on July 19, there was naturally a rush in mask sales. But as Dan said, you do not need to be wearing a surgical mask – a homemade mask will suffice.
And boy howdy have Melburnians embraced that statement. On top of Melburnians being resilient (and devilishly good looking we might add), we know you’re all super crafty. Hence we reached out to our readers to see what clever DIY masks you’d been stitching together, quite literally, to keep yourselves and the community safe.
Here’s what you shared with us.
We love these matching masks modelled by mrs_r3v3l, who tells us the masks were made by her mother-in-law.

This face mask from JP Crowley is both practical and delicious, sporting a design featuring pigs in blankets. They've even shipped off several of these homemade masks to a friend in the US.
Humphrey the toy cavoodle is rocking a homemade "Not today Rona" bandana while his owner rocks the matching face mask. Honestly, matching pet and person masks should be part of a government health campaign, @danielandrewsMP.

Katamissh shows us the before and after shots of her homemade mask, wearing a classic black face mask perfect for that "Melbourne look".

This fetching spotted mask from Crazy_Anh comes courtesy of her mother, who has been making homemade face masks for family and friends. We'd like to take a moment here to thank all the like-minded people who've been doing the same – you guys are angels.

That's it, the search is over. We have found the most extra, most extravagant face mask in Melbourne perfect for when you want to channel "Covid safe" and "flapper queen". This bedazzled, be-tasseled wonder was made by Kookykoufs, who is currently making a big batch of reusable cloth masks to be sold on her Etsy store.

Finally, these homemade masks by neens.m are made from leather lined with jersey (on the left) and velvet lined with linen (on the right). The stylish gothic masks are perfect for Melburnians who love black (so, everyone).