
Time Out has launched a podcast exploring what the future holds for our cities

It features in-depth discussions with the entrepreneurs and business leaders affecting change in our metropolises

Nick Dent
Written by
Nick Dent
Associate Publisher, Time Out Australia
24-hour economy commissioner Mike Rodrigues
Photograph: Daniel Boud

Things have changed, and they're probably never going back to the way they were. What does this mean for restaurants, bars, theatre, the arts, business and life in the city?

That's the topic Time Out is exploring in the new Time Out for Business Podcast

The podcast is the brainchild of Time Out Australia's managing director Michael Rodrigues (who also co-hosts the hospitality podcast Back of House). Mike is interviewing visionaries who are making our cities vibrant places to live – from hospitality professionals to festival directors, entrepreneurs to creatives.

Episode one features a chat with Earl's Juke Joint co-owner Pasan Wijesena about how bottled cocktails will be an ongoing trend post-lockdown. 

In episode two, musician Josh Pyke describes what it was like cancelling his planned tour and instead launching his new album with livestreamed concerts.  

Mike Rodrigues podcastingPhotograph: Time Out for Business

Episode three has Mike talking to Sydney city councillor Jess Miller, who is famous for her creative approaches to sustainability, strategy and innovation. Miller talks about the unique chance posed by the pandemic to improve our cities.

And episode four features a chat with theatre maker Andy Henry, who got Alec Baldwin to star in his livestreamed play reading and reached an audience of many thousands online.

In the latest episode, Mike catches up with our very own Time Out Melbourne and Sydney editors, Rebecca Russo and Maxim Boon. How have their jobs changed in 2020? What are Time Out readers craving right now? How does the second Melbourne lockdown differ from the first for readers? It's a peek behind the curtain of Time Out we think you'll enjoy.

The Time Out for Business Podcast throws a spotlight on the people that are taking the opportunity created by Covid, not to rebuild our cities the way they were, but to re-engineer them towards a better future.

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