
This Melbourne pub throws a weekly raffle especially for dogs

Nicola Dowse
Written by
Nicola Dowse

Have you and your pooch had a ruff week? The National Hotel might have just the thing. Every Friday the Richmond pub holds a “ruffle” – a pub raffle just for dogs. 

The National has teamed up with Moon Dog Brewery to launch the raffle, the winner of which scores a hamper of pup-friendly prizes like dog treats and toys. And you faithful owner will enjoy the raffle too, with entry automatic if you buy a tinny of Moon Dog Old Mate between 5pm and 8pm. 

If you are unfortunate enough to not own a dog but fortunate enough to win the raffle, you can opt for a $25 bar voucher. The National’s weekly ruffle is on every Friday.

Winner winner! Here are the best pub trivia nights in Melbourne.

This southside pub serves chicken parmas for dogs.

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