
Put out your pingas: Revolver is the latest venue to close due to COVID-19

Nicola Dowse
Written by
Nicola Dowse

First COVID-19 closed our major events; next, it went for our galleries, theatres and museums. Dear Melbourne, we are saddened to inform you that the latest venue to close due to the spread of coronavirus is none other than Rev’s. Vale.

On Thursday, March 19, Rev’s (that’s Revolver Upstairs for anyone for whom social distancing has long been a lifestyle choice) announced via Instagram that they were forced to close until further notice.

The closure is due to the Federal Government ban on non-essential gathering over 100 people, as well as encouraging social distancing measures by remaining 1.5 metres from people. Anyone who has been to Rev’s can confirm it is difficult to remain 1.5 centimetres from people when the party really starts. 

Rev’s wrote in an Instagram post: “We support this measure to slow the spread of coronavirus in our community. We are devastated about the impact for our staff, performers and the wider arts, entertainment, live music and hospitality industry.”

Those who have tickets to upcoming shows at Rev’s will be contacted by the relevant ticketing agent. The venue is also encouraging guests to donate a portion of those ticket costs to the Rev’s Staff Go Fund Me appeal, which will distribute funds to staff affected by the closure.

Here’s why donating the cost of your cancelled tickets is a good idea (and where else you can donate).

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