
Pizza e Birra is now doing unlimited pizza and beer nights

Nicola Dowse
Written by
Nicola Dowse

It’s an undisputed fact that everyone loves pizza. The combination of crisp, chewy dough, tomato sugo and fresh mozzarella is so perfect that many a lactose-intolerant has even been witnessed sneaking in a slice (followed by half a bottle of Lacteeze). Now you can take your pizza passion to the next level with bottomless pizza (and beer) every Thursday evening at Pizza e Birra.

With a name that directly translates from Italian as ‘pizza and beer’, it’s no wonder Pizza e Birra is serving up such a sweet deal. Every Thursday from 6pm you can partake in the unlimited pizza and beer deal for $35 per person. The offer includes two hours of unlimited pizza and beer with a few caveats: only two pizzas can be on the table at any time, only one jug of beer on the table at any time and everyone at the table must take part in the deal (which shouldn’t be too hard to manage).

Off the booze? You can still get unlimited pizza for $20 per person. Visit Pizza e Birra’s website for the full list of T&Cs and to book in for your night of unlimited pizza.

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