It’s a rite of passage for most visitors to Melbourne – make the two-hour drive down to Phillip Island and see Australia’s largest colony of friendly, frolicking fairy penguins. To tide you over until your next visit, Phillip Island Nature Parks is making sure we can see those scurrying little creatures from home.
From Tuesday, August 25, Phillip Island Nature Parks livestreamed the Penguin Parade across Facebook and YouTube. Everyone from around the world was able to tune in at 6pm AEST (that’s 9am BST or 4am EST) and even ask the rangers questions in real time. You can watch all of the recorded livestreams here for your nightly does of penguin cuteness.

The streams last 30-minutes and ran nightly until October 2020. Phillip Island Nature Parks has hinted that the livestream may reappear this February and March, so keep your eyes peeled for more waddling action on their Facebook page and YouTube channel.