
Jetstar is offering $19 flights around Australia from July

Get 'em quick.

Written by
Divya Venkataraman
Plan in the sky
Photograph: Hendri Lidayani via Unsplash

In an absurd turn of events, you can now fly around the country for about the same as it costs you to take the public transport from each of Melbourne or Sydney's CBDs to the airport. It's an indictment on airport transport taxes, sure, but more importantly, it means you can get a sweet, sweet deal on your first post-lockdown holiday. 

Jetstar is offering flights around the country from $19 for a heap of destinations, including routes like Sydney to Melbourne, Sydney to Brisbane, Sydney to Cairns in North Queensland, and Melbourne to Byron Bay. The flights are available for travel between July 10 to October 31. Check here for the details – you can book now. 

Now, Jetstar may be offering flights for cheap, but that doesn't mean much if you'll have to spend 14 days alone at home before you can explore the state you've landed in. So it's worth noting which states and territories have lifted virus travel restrictions. You don't need a permit or to isolate when entering New South Wales, Victoria or the ACT. Queensland's borders are scheduled to open on July 10, however, Western Australia's are closed for the foreseeable future. The Northern Territory and Tasmania are still insisting that travellers self-isolate for 14 days once they enter the state, whereas South Australia, has selectively opened up its borders and is allowing residents of WA, Tasmania and the Northern Territory in so far. The rest of the country is expected to be able to follow suit on July 20.

In the meantime, check out these cosy winter getaway destinations around Victoria

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