
Golf, tennis to resume as Victoria nears 80% single-dose vaccination

You can now travel 15km from your home for exercise, shopping or outdoor recereation

Cassidy Knowlton
Written by
Cassidy Knowlton
Former Editorial Director, Time Out Australia
Man in decorated pants playing golf
Photograph: Pexels/Creative Commons

Vax and the City: Every public health official in Australia agrees that mass vaccination is the only way out of this crisis. We at Time Out recommend that you get vaccinated as soon as you can if that is appropriate for your own health. Here's how to make a vaccination appointment. Please speak to a medical professional about what is right for you.

Victoria is expected to hit another vaccination milestone today, with 80 per cent of eligible Victorians having received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Chief health officer Brett Sutton has slightly relaxed Victoria's restrictions in line with the milestone.

From 11.59pm September 28, those in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will be able to go 15km from home for exercise, shopping or outdoor recreation, which includes relaxing outdoors and having picnics. Personal training is permitted for five fully vaccinated people (plus the trainer, who must also be fully vaccinated), and golf, tennis and boating are now permitted activities.

Metropolitan Melbourne is still under a curfew from 9pm to 5am, but Mitchell Shire is not. From 11.59pm on September 28, those in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire may leave home for five reasons:

  • for essential food and supplies within 15km of home
  • for care and caregiving
  • to work if you're an authorised worker
  • to exercise or enjoy outdoor recreation within 15km of home for a maximum of four hours; and
  • to get vaccinated.

The next milestone for Victoria will be when 70 per cent of adults are fully vaccinated, which is expected to happen in late October. At that point, lockdown will end in Melbourne. People will be able to leave their homes for any reason, at any time. Ten fully vaccinated people will be able to gather outdoors, and community sport can resume outdoors, with restrictions and capacity limits. 

What can we expect in the next couple of months? This is Victoria's roadmap out of lockdown.

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