
Get your dancing shoes on, the Splendour sideshows have been announced

Cassidy Knowlton
Written by
Cassidy Knowlton
Former Editorial Director, Time Out Australia

Couldn't get tickets to Splendour in the Grass? Or got tickets and need more live music in your life? You are in luck – the Splendour sideshows have been announced, and you do not want to miss them.

UK superstars the Wombats will be playing Festival Hall on July 19, supported by Elderbrook. The Wombats' latest single, 'Turn', off the album Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life, has been streamed more than 14 million times.

Yungblud, known for his ska and hip-hop leanings, will play the Corner Hotel on July 21. 

Lewis Capaldi will come to Australia for the first time for Splendour and will be playing Howler on July 24. Capaldi was the first unsigned artist to reach 25 million plays on Spotify, for his debut single, 'Bruises'. 

Chicago-based rapper Towkio is also coming to our shores for the first time and will play Howler on July 19. 

And finally, Marmozets (pictured) will be playing the Evelyn on July 19. They are touring in support of their second album, 'Knowing What You Know Now'. 

Love live music? Here's where you can catch it every night of the week. Plus: here are our picks for the best live music pubs in Melbourne

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