
Brae is the 58th best restaurant in the world

Written by
Emily Lloyd-Tait
Dish at Brae
Photograph: Graham Denholm

When holidaying overseas it's always tempting to splash out on one really exceptional dinner so that you have bragging rights about that time you dined at the world's best sushi restaurant. But you can also do that here in Melbourne. Ok, so Birregurra is not exactly in Melbourne, but Brae is only an hour and a half's drive from the city centre, and it has just been named at number 58 on the World's 50 Best Restaurants list.

If you've been umming and ahhing about whether your should splash the cash and book a table, maybe this is the confirmation that you really should add this dining destination to your bucket list. 

Want to eat closer to home? Here's the 50 best restaurants in Melbourne.

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