Here’s a shout out to the first person to call the Melbourne Cricket Ground the ‘G. Not content with just using the acronym MCG, this blessed soul decided to go one further and nickname it the ‘G.
Aussies love to shorten words; this isn’t news. It’s part of our ‘strayan DNA, like footy, Accadacca and chucking ueys. The reason? Who knows. We’re either too busy or too lazy for complete words. But let’s be real: who has time for complete words anymore? These days it’s all about the abbreves. That’s why we think other Melbourne landmark and location names could use some shortening.
Below is a list of Melbourne abbreviations we reckon need to catch on. We’ve modelled these on the NYC way of abbreviating locations (like how SoHo is south of Houston Street, NoLita is north of Little Italy and TriBeCa is an abbreviation for the ‘triangle below Canal Street’).
Southern Cross Station = SoCro
Port Melbourne = PoMe
South Melbourne = SoMe
West Footscray = WeFo
Fitzroy North = FiNo
North of Flinders Street = NoFli
Swanson and Elizabeth Street corridor = SwEl
West of Hoddle Street = WeHo
East of Chapel Street = EaCha
South of Johnson Street, Fitzroy = SoJo
South of LaTrobe = SoLa
Got more ideas? Get in touch via our Facebook.