Even if the thought of needles makes you squirmish, try not to rule out acupuncture, a form of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), that has been used for thousands of years as a drug-free method of pain relief. The practice is used to treat various health conditions such as infertility, lower back pain, headaches, labour pain, menstrual cramps, osteoarthritis and more.
It involves small, sterile, single-use thin needles placed on various acupuncture spots on your body, depending on the area of concern. The placement is based on the body’s energy pathways and it works by clearing blockages of energy and restoring a healthy flow of energy, or Qi, through the body. It may sound scary but it’s known to cause minimal pain and in fact, some people don’t feel it at all.
According to YongHe Chinese Medicine Clinic, "You may feel slightly dull aching, warmth, itchiness or a heaviness sensation. This is normal and is called the 'get energy' reaction." Serious side effects are rare and a review by Science Direct reported feelings of dizziness, fatigue and nausea were the most common adverse events identified.
What’s great about acupuncture is that it looks at the underlying causes of your symptoms, with a tailored treatment plan based on the findings. Your first visit will typically involve Chinese medicine pulse and tongue diagnosis to determine the root causes.
Dr Abbie Cloherty is an acupuncturist and founder of Zhong Centre in St Kilda, a clinic that has mainly attracts clients seeking rejuvenation through her facial cosmetic acupuncture. However, she says in 2022, she found a big increase in clients coming to her centre seeking her acupuncture treatments for autoimmune conditions, burnout, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. She says these health issues are all interrelated. Those inner health problems can translate and show up on the outer body including the face.
If your healthcare professional has recommended that you try acupuncture, or if you're simply curious and want to give it a go, we've rounded up some venues in Melbourne that you can get stuck into (with needles!). To sweeten the deal even further, you can claim rebates for acupuncture at most clinics.