Viral comedy trio, Sooshi Mango, are returning to stages next month – no joke. Playing a series of Aussie venues this August and September, hilarious trio Joe Salanitri, Carlo Salanitri and Andrew Manfre are firing up for an exciting victory lap.
After wrapping up their hugely successful Off The Boat tour, the troupe have added new tour dates in Melbourne, Gippsland and Ballarat, as well as Brisbane, Sydney, Wollongong, Adelaide and Perth due to huge demand.
Sooshi Mango saw an impressive rise up the comedy ranks thanks to their series of viral online videos. The three proud Italian Australians pepper their skits with characters inspired by their parents and the older generation, essentially showcasing their heritage, but also executing relatable laughs. Now their much-loved characters have finally made the leap from social media to touring IRL.
The record-breaking tour is the first in the past 20 years to perform more than two shows of the same comedy tour at Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena – an incredible feat.
“Selling out arena shows, and all the accolades are nothing compared to hearing thousands of people laugh, especially after what we’ve been through. Now we have another two months on the road again to bring laughter to all that missed out,” says Salanitri.
Don’t miss the opportunity to soak up the quick wit and relatable humour of Joe, Carlo and Andrew as they touch down in their home state. Tickets are on sale now.