Mel Buttle's first career was as a high school teacher. Although she trained as a drama teacher, she ended up in learning and behavioural support. "I’m personable, so I kind of got snapped up to deal with the most difficult children ... Some of the kids would be there as part of their bail conditions."
She also worked as a marketer for a stock feed company – the feed for dairy cows is different from that for beef cows, if you did not know – before making the switch to full-time comedy. But now she has a side hustle as a dog walker.
"I have a dog and I realised when I was really busy I was paying people to take my dog out, and I realised that if I restructured a few things I wouldn't have to pay people $100 a week to take my dog out, and then I realised hang on, I could be the one that takes the dogs out and makes money."
She only runs her dog-walking business during the slow period in the comedy calendar, and she takes her charges on adventures to the park or beach. She says after the comedy festival circuit is over and she's home more, dog walking has become a fantastic reason to leave the house.
"I’m outdoors, I’m getting some sun, I’m getting some exercise, I can have a coffee and a muffin. Otherwise I just sit around and I realise it’s 3 o'clock and Dr Phil is on and I’ve done nothing."