The blue whale is the largest member of the animal kingdom – its heart weighs in at the same mass as a small car. Put simply, the sheer size of this incredible species is a hard one to grasp. These school holidays, IMAX is making things a little easier to visualise with an inspiring 3D film following two scientific expeditions to uncover fascinating blue whale behaviours.
Narrated by the legendary Andy Serkis, who voiced Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, the documentary takes viewers alongside dolphins and orcas, and looks at how scientists collect flying snot for data (ew, but also, cool!) and the head scientist, aka the ‘Blue Whale Whisperer’, listens to blue whales communicating with eachother.
From just $12 for kids, and $26.50 for adults, you’ll get an IMAX doco ticket and general entry to Melbourne Museum so you can kick back and immerse yourself in the incredible exhibitions.
Blue Whales 3D is screening during the Easter school holidays, with sessions daily from 10am to 2pm. Book your tickets here.