If a visiting friend asked you to describe the shopping experience of Bourke Street Mall, what would you tell them? Would you reply that it's "a fabulous walk through a world of exciting shops, the international talk of the town?"
Of course, you would. Bourke Street Mall is the shopping strip of choice for all women who love bowl cuts and tight perms, and for men who enjoy pairing white jeans with checkered shirts (all of us, essentially).
When you and your visiting friend arrive in Bourke Street Mall, no doubt you'd be so taken with the glamour of stores likes Sussan, Portmans and Just Jeans (not to mention the flash of the Orient that you'd be hard-pressed to find elsewhere in the city) that you'd feel the need to form a spontaneous disco flashmob with your fellow shoppers around a large plant.
Judging from this 1980 television ad for Bourke Street Mall, it's clear that nothing has changed.