
Welcome to Thornbury makes space for Two Buck Books

Written by
Meg Crawford

Two Buck Books is a simple premise – people donate their pre-loved titles (quality books only) at various drop off points around town, then they're sold from venues you may not normally associate with the book trade, with all proceeds going to charity. So far Two Buck Books has raised thousands, which have been donated to Vinnie's soup vans and ASRC. Its newest venture will dedicate dollars to SAIL, the Sudanese Integrated Learning Program.

To date, Two Buck Books has operated out of Fancy Hank's CBD location and Nevermind Bar, but as of tomorrow night, it'll join the food truck and beverage fiesta at Welcome to Thornbury.

All books sell for, you guessed it, two bucks. Making it an even better bargain is the fact that some of them are signed by their authors, but for the purposes of their Welcome to Thornbury Launch, Two Book Books have rounded up some of its favourite musos, writers and comedians, including Chet Faker, Olympia and Benjamin Law, and asked them to add their John Hancock to the tomes.

Two Buck Books Launch at Welcome to Thornbury. 6-11pm. Thu May 20.   

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