Let's be honest, for the non-practicing or religionless, the best part about Easter are the damn brilliant treats. Easter treats may even be better than Christmas foods (there, I said it!). Luckily for us, some bloody genius at Takt Studio made a handy website called Hot Cross Bun Fight where you can check out the best buns in town and find which ones are best suited for your Easter feasting.
For example, I'm into spicy buns, and Bun Fight suggests that buns from Baker D Chirico, Babka, Loafer Bread and Dench would be my best bet. So far, so accurate. These are delicious spicy buns.

Want more detail about the best buns in town? Click on the pictures of buns and you'll get complete tasting notes of every bun including what they taste like untoasted, toasted and overall yummy factor.

Hate orange peel? Into raisins? All that info is on Bun Fight, my friends. Just make sure you stock up before the long weekend, as not all the bakeries featured will be open for Good Friday.