As any dog-lover knows, the only thing better than a leisurely long walk with your four-legged bestie is a leisurely long walk with your four-legged bestie and thousands of other very good doggos. Every year, the RSPCA runs the Million Paws Walk: an event that sees more than 25,000 people and their dogs walking at 17 different locations across Victoria, and thousands more throughout the country.
The event is RSPCA's biggest fundraising event of the year. Your entry fee goes towards the animals in the RSPCA's care (which in Victoria alone, is around 28,000) and the organisation's work fighting animal cruelty.
It's still possible to register for the walk, which will take place this Sunday May 21. The entry fee varies according to location – but if you live in Melbourne, the closest is Albert Park Lake, which costs $27 online or $35 on the day. If you're keen for a roadtrip, then you could join the party anywhere from Castlemaine to Bendigo. Visit the website for the full list of locations.
Don't have a doggo of your own? No worries: you're still invited to come along and show your support. And hey, when else do you get the chance to pat thousands of dogs in one day?