Last week, Public Transport Victoria announced that they would consider suggestions from the public when naming the five underground stations that will form part of the $10 billion Metro project. The Herald Sun put out a poll, and to no-one's surprise, one name quickly rose to the top: Trainy McTrainface. Because of course.
Two words: Trainy McTrainface.
— Sam Drummond (@samdrummond) July 6, 2016
More earnest suggestions included naming stations after well-respected Indigenous Australians, politicians, sportspeople and even musicians. Noble efforts, but nowhere near as popular as ol' Trainy. Unfortunately, much like the Boaty McBoatface saga in the UK, PTV has stated that they won't be following public opinion on this one. Not that it's stopped Melburnians from campaigning for justice.
Trainy McTrainface works for me!!
— JJ Taboo (@jonmmoss) July 8, 2016
@9NewsMelb one HAS to be called Trainy McTrainface 👍🏻
— Brad (@Braddyboy) July 7, 2016
Top of the list must be Station McStationface, followed by Trainy McTrainface
— Timothy Zeven (@Zevensoft) July 8, 2016
We knew we could count on you for being awesome, Melbourne. Currently, the stations have been given placeholder names – if you think you can do better, let us know what you think.
![Melbourne Metro Tunnels](