
Mt Baw Baw has opened a week early thanks to record snow fall

Rebecca Russo
Written by
Rebecca Russo
Former Editor of Time Out Melbourne

It’s officially the first day of winter today, and the weather couldn’t be more charming. Just kidding! It’s colder than an icicles testicle out there, and everyone knows the only way to deal in situations like this is to hunker down (maybe with a glass of mulled wine in hand?) and wait the storm out.

Or, y’know, we could try and embrace the cold?

Mt Baw Baw, located just shy of three hours drive away from the CBD, has declared an early start to the 2017 snow season. Thanks to an unprecedented amount of snow in the past few weeks, the mountain has decided to open their alpine resort to the public a week early.

Mt Baw Baw is the closest downhill ski and snowboard resort to the CBD and it’s pretty perfect for a nice winter getaway. Now, thanks to record snowfall, tobogganers, skiers and snowboarders will be able to strut their stuff from Friday June 2 onwards.   

While the official opening is still scheduled to take place on Saturday June 10 (with roaming entertainers, DJs, fireworks, giveaways and more scheduled) but for the week leading up to it, visitors will get free entry to the park. Free! Visitors to Mt Baw Baw will be able to toboggan and sight see at no cost, up until Sunday June 11 when resort entry fees will commence. 

Mt Baw Baw, snow, mountain
It's also very pretty, if you're into that kinda thing.

You can find out more at Mt Baw Baw’s website here.  

Here’s all you need to know about how to do the snow on the cheap.

Fancy a toboggan in the CBD? Get amongst it with our guide to winter in Melbourne.

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