Calling all our fiery-haired brothers and sisters: the time has come to assemble.
Following a tradition which began in Europe, The Ginger Net is calling for redheads of all shades to band together for Australia's first-ever Ginger Pride Rally.
As every redhead knows, there is a special joy to be found in communing with your fellow orange-haired unicorns. Unfortunately, this is a rare occurrence, and generally you'll never find yourself outnumbering those of the, ahem, 'ordinary' hair persuasion. Certainly, many of us have suffered the indignity of cruel jokes about sunburn, freckles and the inevitable question – you know the one. Many children are still being bullied for their magnificent fiery hair – and so The Ginger Net has partnered with RANGA (Redheads and Nearly Ginger Association) to raise money on the day of the rally for the Bully Zero Charity.
So what are you waiting for? Whether you're sporting fiery red locks à la Ariel from Little Mermaid or you're more of an Ed Sheeran strawberry blonde, make sure you register online to take part in this noble cause. They say that we make up one to two per cent of the world's population, which means that the event should really be catering for between 40,000 and 80,000 ginger gods and goddesses. Don't let us down.

Once the rally reaches Fed Square, participants will be treated to music by The Vanns (who are fronted by a ginger lead singer, of course) as well as ginger beer pong and ginger beer sampling by Buderim Ginger.
Ginger Pride Rally Alexandra Park, Melbourne 3000. 10.30am. Free (with donation). Sat Apr 16.