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This is an international affair. The brewery has been shipped over from New York to Melbourne, and the Ong brothers have produced beer influenced from all corners of the globe: from the Growler (American brown ale), to the Taxi (German pilsner). The tours are just once week, but they're free! If you’ve had your fill of beer, their Gypsy cider is a refreshing alternative and available.
This is how the big boys do it. Home to Carlton Draught and VB, over 2 million liters of beer is brewed daily here and more than 1000 stubbies are bottled every minute. The beers can be sampled at the end of the tour for those looking to wet their whistle. Tours run three times a day Monday to Friday, and there are also Wednesday and Saturday evening tours available.
These new kids on the block are happy to show people around their brewery, and formal tours will be coming along shortly. With beers such as the Skunkworks (double IPA) and the Perverse Sexual Amalgam (a dark wild ale with stewed cherry plums) their beers are intriguing to say the least. This micro brewery is certainly one to keep your eye on.
This beer is for those with an environmental conscience. These guys boast all natural beer: no additives, no preservatives. In fact, their biggest selling bottled beer, the Steam Ale, is certified organic. Nice one! Visit the Goat on Wednesdays and Fridays, and join free tours every Wednesday from 6.30 pm. All their beers are available on tap at the venue, including one-off batches, as well as some rocking pizza.
At Temple brewery and brasserie, patrons are able to check out the impressive bells and whistles of the brewery while downing the product. This is a fully functioning brewery with a restaurant-bar smack in the middle. The brewery is high-tech with it’s touch-screen operating system, and environmentally conscious – they even reuse waste water for other tasks. Ask questions while getting sideways on Bicycle Beer with a side of their sweet and spicy popcorn.
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