The Shepparton community has been hit hard by the current outbreak, but there’s one thing that’s for certain – the people of Shepp are great at looking after each other. One example of that is the local Shepparton brewery Wild Life Brewing Co who have announced a new initiative.
This week, Wild Life launched the Wild Life Brewing Emergency Lockdown Froth Care Package Program – or, you know, W.L.B.E.L.F.C.P.P. for short (easy enough to remember!) The idea is if you purchase a slab of beer from Wild Life’s online store, the brewery will send a free six-pack to a friend that you nominate.

The Wild Life team has said they’ve had an amazing response from the broader Victorian community so far, with over 100 people shouting their friends beer since launching the campaign this week.
The brewery delivers nationwide – just pop your mates name and address in the notes section when ordering your slab and Wild Life will do the rest.
Check out Wild Life’s beer collection and order yourself (and a mate!) a six-pack.