This project by Kate ten Buuren and Kat Clarke (from ‘this mob’ collective) is named for the Kulin word for ‘nest’, and is pushing the idea of what an exhibition is; part studio, part gallery, it’s a space where young Aboriginal artists are welcome to come and make work, collaborate or have a conversation for the month of July. “A lot of people don’t feel comfortable in the ‘white wall gallery’ space," says ten Buuren, "so we’re trying to shift how people engage in those spaces and the idea of what you can do in them.”
There will be tea, a couch, table and desk space, and art supplies – and room to create. Drop-ins are welcome, but ten Buuren notes that the aim is to have a participatory experience, not a purely voyeuristic one. “We don’t want it to be a space where non-Indigenous artists just come and watch Indigenous people make work,” she says. As the month progresses, the works within the space will naturally proliferate – so head along near the end if you want to see the results of this experiment.