Graham Denholm
Graham Denholm

Exclusive invite only event - Lifting The Barre

Here’s what happened when Time Out invited 200 Melburnians to experience the best of local produce at Art Centre Melbourne’s new venue


Have you heard about The Barre yet – the new bar and restaurant at Arts Centre Melbourne? If you were hoping that the bright, sleek space curving around the southern side of the building would stay a well-kept secret, then sorry, the secret’s out. On Tuesday August 30, Time Out invited 200 Melburnians to an exclusive event at The Barre, where they sampled some of the best of the city’s arts, culture, food and drink scene.

The Barre is a venue where art, food and drink collide. The space buzzes with the excitement of the on-stage action happening under the spire, and even the timber floorboards are made from the old flooring of the historic Hamer Hall stage. Throughout the evening, guests were invited to take guided tours of Arts Centre Melbourne’s Stage Presence exhibition, where they marvelled at sketches, costumes and designs from some of the most lavish productions to grace Melbourne’s stages from the past few decades. 

Back in The Barre, Melbourne singer-songwriter Alexander Francis played smooth tunes, while guests sipped beers by brand new Collingwood brewery Stomping Ground and cocktails by Four Pillars Gin from the Yarra Valley. This gin cocktail was in fact The Barre’s cocktail of the month: ‘The Centre Stage Spritz’ – a floral, light blend of Four Pillars Gin, lemon myrtle and cassia syrup, rose water and Persian fairy floss. It’s available until the end of September, which means you won’t have to miss out.

Naturally, The Barre put on a fantastic spread, including mini pork sliders, peking duck rice paper rolls, and for dessert, white chocolate basil panna cotta. The guys at Stomping Ground even teamed up with gelato artisans Billy van Creamy to create several varieties of delicious (trust us!) beer ice cream.

Here at Time Out, we’re passionate about helping you make the most of Melbourne – and that’s what The Barre is all about, too. Next time you’re in need of a pre- or post-show drink and snack, or you’re looking for a sophisticated spot for dinner, you know where to go.

Lifting The Barre

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