1. Manchester Christmas Markets

Good for: Getting into the spirit
With Manchester Town Hall still shrink wrapped, any chance of the council-run Manchester Christmas Markets making their triumphant return to Albert Square for 2024 has been sadly dashed, but they will no doubt still draw the biggest crowds. The markets’ 200+ ski chalet style huts will congregate mainly in Piccadilly Gardens, extending up and down Market Street and King Street, into St Ann’s Square and out towards the Corn Exchange and Cathedral Gardens. Yes, there will be eye-wateringly expensive pick n mix and gluhwein so sweet your Zoe blood sugar monitor will spontaneously combust, but there are always loads of indie local gems too. Find bratwursts, Yorkshire pud wraps, steaming hot strudels at a number of tents, but keep an eye out for Triple B’s Christmas Reuben bagels, patatas bravas from El Gato Negro and Brazilian mince pies from The Flat Baker.
Shopping 10am-8pm, food and drink 11am-9pm. 8 Nov-22 Dec, 2024.