
Which city are recent graduates being advised to live in?

Rob Martin
Written by
Rob Martin
Contributor, Time Out Manchester

After years spent getting a degree, many people choose to settle in the city where they were students, but not everyone wants or can afford to.

And where do you think a new report urges graduates to move to for a better quality of life? Go on, you know where... Yes, Manchester.

The Intergenerational Foundation recommends that recent graduates have a better chance of finding a good job and affordable housing in our city than in any other in the UK. The group also makes clear that businesses are missing out by not tapping in to the rich variety of skills on offer here in the North. Newcastle, Liverpool, Leeds and Sheffield also do well out of the report which breaks the country into five areas based on a quality of life determined through house prices, population size and the job market.

London, whilst offering great job opportunities, is a tough, expensive city for recent graduates to live in, giving them a poor work / life balance, something much more easily achieved here in Manchester.

Certainly, Manchester is a culturally significant city on a global scale, with the likes of Manchester International FestivalThe Whitworth and now HOME giving the us a world-wide profile, and our music and nightlife heritage is second  to none. The diversity of our people also adds to the attraction, with areas like the gay village proving a warm welcome is what you'll find when you arrive. 

So, if you're thinking of staying here when you do graduate, or thinking of moving here from somewhere else, you're in for a good time. But take heed...

Read the 12 things you learn when you move to Manchester.

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