Hi everyone
It's Dusty again, here to dig deep, claw away the drab and sniff out one or two of the hottest things to do over the May bank holiday weekend. Of course, being a celebrity pup means I just have to look cute and pad out a few choice pearls of canine wisdom every now and then, so I don't honestly understand why you people get so excited about not working, as I never really work anyway.
Since my first dog blog post for Time Out Manchester, things have gotten a little out of paw, with demands from people to get me to lend my blessing to their shoddy products, squalid events or unsavoury publications. I'm face-timing all the live long day but no matter how many deep fried pigs ears I'm offered, my answer is 'no' - I'm a Time Out pup through and through.
Let's start with music. Hours of fun can be had running over to the speakers and cocking my head to one side at some of the sounds bursting out of them. At just under one year old, I'm still finding my way but I don't think I like classical, I'm not sure I like electronica (but my Dads do) so I howl and whine at some of that until they turn it off, but I do like rock. They don't have much of that though...
This weekend sees the rather marvellous Sounds from the Other City, an annual music and art festival which happens in Salford. Which isn't the other city for me as I live there. My colleague Jess (I know that name is sometimes used for dogs but she isn't a dog, she's an actual person), has put together ten things to look forward to there, including some pop videos, so that all sounds like a lovely way to spend the long weekend.
Talking of music, I chewed up my Dad's headphones last week... He wasn't happy. You should have heard the tripe he was listening to though, I just couldn't take it anymore. I hadn't actually realised that they stopped me from hearing the music properly, which I have to hear at full volume now...

Dad's mangled cans...
I'm no stranger to hair, as you can imagine. But this weekend at The Great British Bear Bash there will be more fur on display than there is at Crufts. From all over the world, hairy beary types are gathering in their lairs, well, in the gay village, for the 18th annual Manchester get together. If you're not familiar with the concept of bears (and I only am because my Dads told me), it seems there was a time some years back when, and I quote here, 'bangin' hard house ruined the gay scene and everyone turned into a skinny hairless gym bunny'. Don't shoot the messenger! Anyways, those homosexuals who preferred the larger chap, with a beard and a hairy belly, preferably, formed their own clubs and events and became known as bears. Now they have their own parties and weekends like this one, all over the world. How lovely! You don't have to look like Brian Blessed to enjoy it. There's a whole sub section with otters, cubs, wolves and, my favourite, silver foxes. More of a petting zoo really... Manchester's 18th GBBB starts on Friday and lasts all weekend. I bet the city centre sells out of chocolate.
The long weekend also sees not one but three beer festivals, with events at the Shabeen, Oldham and Withington festivals. I like a drink as much as the next girl but mine's usually a dish of water whilst you lot enjoy a nice pint in the sunshine. And on the off-chance that it might be sunny this bank holiday, remind yourselves of our list of 15 great places to enjoy a drink outdoors.
I've never been to nightclub. I much prefer swinging my booty, as I believe the kids say, around the garden. But my pal John has picked out some tip top nightspots for you youngsters to go and boogie with some bumper bank holiday clubbing. Can you imagine what that sort of thing would do to a pair of ears like mine?
Anyway, this long weekend I plan to spend as much time as I can in some of the lovely parks we have, doing this. There's NOTHING better than a rope swing...
Until next time,
Dusty (Miss)