Who better to let you know what a great family day out the Geronimo Family Festival is than the very people it's for? So we sent six year old Lily and her sisters Skye (5) and Harper (1) off with their Mum and Dad to check it out. Here's what she has to say.
'We were so lucky today getting to go to Geronimofest. Everybody was so excited, there was so much to do we didn't even know where to start.
We went to see the BMX show first with two boys doing tricks on their bikes. They were so good. Next we got to meet Katy and Mr Bloom. Mummy liked Mr Bloom the best and asked for a 'selfie'! There were princesses, story tellers, giant butterflies and a man on a huge bike, even Peppa Pig was there, and everybody was happy and smiling.
Then the sun came out!
In the corner there was a massive stage and we got to see lots of characters from Cbeebies. We had a dance and sang with them. Next we went to see the farm, we held baby ducks and chicks that were only a few days old and then we got to ride on the donkeys. Mine was called Robbie, he was brown and fluffy.

Riding the donkeys
Mum took that many photos on her phone that it ran out of battery! We all had so much fun and can't wait to go back next year. Thank you
From Lily Martin-Stuckey
(With help from mum doing the typing!)'
The Geronimo Family Festival is at Tatton Park all bank holiday weekend. Lily, Skye and Harper already want to go back...