Yao Ming Chien is profoundly deaf and uses British Sign Language (BSL) as his first language. He was born and brought up in Taiwan but left as a young adult as there was little support for deaf people. He first moved to America and then to the UK looking for the support that he needs. Ming is now settled in Manchester.
Like many deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people, Ming has found it difficult to find employment, despite having attended many courses and having a range of skills.
And one of those skills is tapestry.
Working in a small room from his home in Swinton, Ming creates the most extraordinary, intricate, detailed tapestries, some of which take weeks or even months to embroider.

Ming recently attended workshops run by the Manchester based company Result CIC. The aim of the project was to maximise the potential for members of Manchester Deaf Centre’s job club to give them the skills to be successful in looking for work by increasing their self-confidence. During the sessions, Ming identified his love of embroidery and astonished the group by showing some of his creations off.
Now he's ready to share his work and his skills.

He's looking to exhibit his amazing artwork and also to share his skills by teaching his techniques to others, or to accept commissions.
So, if you've a venue which could show Ming's work, or you are an organisation interested in creating a class where Ming could teach, or if you'd like to commission a tapestry, get in touch by contacting him though Result CIC here.
See a film about the experience of deaf people in Manchester called 'Out of it?'.