Today, me, my mum and my sister Skye got to go and see 'The Tale of Mr Tumble' at the Opera House for part of Manchester International Festival.
I have watched Mr Tumble since I was little on the T.V so was really excited that we were going to get to see him in real life. It was so busy when we got there and everyone was happy and excited too so it was very loud. When we sat down there were some people on the stage who were playing music while the audience waited for the show to start.

Lily making some notes about 'The Tale of Mr Tumble'
The stage was very bright and colourful and there was a screen on the back of the stage with pictures and colours on through the whole story. Grandad Tumble told us the story and we even saw Mr Tumble as a little boy who had a very good singing voice. He sang songs that all the kids knew like twinkle twinkle little star, so everybody joined in, even the grown ups! All of the actors used makaton through the songs and the story which is what Mr Tumble does on the T.V and at the end of the show all of the audience joined in and copied the makaton signs for the song.
The show was so much fun to watch because it was so colourful, happy and musical and everyone could join in through the whole thing. I am looking forward to telling all my friends about it in school on Monday and showing them my ticket, my programme and the gold sparkles that fell over the audience at the end of the show.
Well done Mr Tumble everybody went home very happy.
Written by Lily Martin-Stuckey (With a little help from mum on the computer)

Skye and Lily loved the show and went home very happy