In recent years there’s been a rapid increase in the number of people sporting beards, with Manchester helping lead the charge. You can barely walk ten steps around the Northern Quarter or Chorlton without spotting some impressive facial hair. From the handlebar moustache to the goatee, the neatly trimmed stubble to the long, bushy beard, we’ve got it all.
It's safe to say that Manchester is a beard-friendly place to be - whether you want to pop in to one of the numerous barbers to have your beard tidied up, or want to stop off for a pint of ale at BrewDog, which was recently voted amongst the most beard friendly pubs in the UK. If you’re planning on getting rid of your razor and unleashing your true bearded self, here are 14 things you should know.
1) You will go through the itchy phase

Sorry, as much as I wish I could tell you some magic trick or some top secret, there is no way of avoiding the dreaded itchy phase. The road to beardom is treacherous and itchy, but don’t give up, power through.
2) But it won’t last forever

Yes, your beard will be itchy, but this will pass. If you persevere, the itchy days will be a thing of the past before you know it.
3) You’ll probably find some ginger in your beard

It doesn’t matter what colour the hair on your head is, most people will, at some point, find some ginger hairs in their beard, so prepare yourself for that day.
4) Strangers will strike up conversations about your beard

When you grow a beard, you can pretty much forget about icebreakers on a night out. All of a sudden you’ll find people coming up to you out of the blue and commenting on your beard. It could be positive, it could be negative, but there will be comments.
5) And many of them will ask if they can touch it

Yes, as well as having people comment on it, lots of people will ask you if they can touch it. Just make sure their hands are clean if you do!
6) Some people won’t even bother asking

Because apparently, it’s completely normal and not weird at all to just walk up to a complete stranger and start stroking their face. Completely normal…
7) You will stop worrying about carrying ID

'Oh, you need to see my ID barman? Here, it’s all over my face.'
8) People will ask if you ride a fixie

Or wear vintage clothes, or eat quinoa, or brew your own craft beer. Just remember, not everyone with a beard is a hipster, and not every hipster has a beard.
9) Your beard will be your best friend during winter

When the temperatures start to drop, your beard will provide a welcome layer of protection against the cold, icy winds of Manchester.
10) People will ask if you get food stuck in it

And you’ll have to explain that no, you don’t get food in it, because you know how to eat like an adult.
11) But once or twice, you actually will get food in it

Oh what a fool you’ll feel, after spending so much time explaining how of course you don’t get food stuck in your beard, you’re a grown man. Just hope that when this inevitable day comes, nobody is around to see it.
12) Maintaining your beard will become a serious task

There's a perception that the bearded are a lazy people, but this is not true. The longer you have your beard, the more time you will find yourself maintaining it. Before you know it you’ll be splashing out on beard conditioning oil and using custom brushes and combs to keep your facial hair in check.
13) You’ll find yourself stroking your beard while you think

There’s something oddly relaxing and therapeutic about stroking your own beard, and you will find yourself doing this more and more.
14) You’ll discover a new found sense of pride in your facial fuzz

When it comes down to it, growing and maintaining an impressive beard is no mean feat. Bask in your new found glow of pride and accomplishment, you’ve earned it.
See things to do in Manchester from Time Out.