Aaah, the joy of a double bank holiday. Four days free of the stresses of work. And what a great week we've got lined up for you. Ready?
It's that time of year again where we take two bank holidays to remember the story of the death of Jesus Christ with the help of bunny rabbits and chocolate, because nothings says 'resurrection' like an egg hunt. So whether you're looking for things to do with the kids or without them, we've got it all tied up in our guide to the long Easter weekend.
Send a postcard to Cornerhouse
That Manchester institution Cornerhouse closes on Thu Apr 2 before moving to its new home, Home. You can send in your memories of the place via their clever Scribbler tool - just type it in online and it prints out at the venue! Cool!
Visit The Quays
The long weekend is an ideal time to take a trip to The Quays, where From Street to Trench continues at IWMN, go shopping for a bargain at the Lowry Outlet Mall or you can see Lowry Favourites at, guess where?
Vintage Trouble, Academy, Wed Apr 1, £17.50
The LA based blues rock band head to Manchester after proving what they can do live on recent TV appearances including Later with Jools.
I've Been Thinking, Royal Exchange, until Thu Apr 2, free
This series of free creative workshops is aimed at women aged between 14 and 21, with others workshops aimed at those 21 and older as part of Wonder Women: Radical Manchester, a programme of art, gigs, film, debate, talks, tours and more celebrating the creative women of Manchester.
Cirque Surreal, The Lowry, Thu Apr 2 - Mon Apr 6, £11 - £26
This is a perfect piece of family entertainment over the long weekend, with some outstanding performers bringing their considerable skills to the stage at The Lowry, mixing acrobatics, dance, even comedy. Take a look.

Transmission: Carl Cox & Friends, Albert Hall, Fri Apr 3, £30
When one of the world's biggest and best DJs visits town, and plays one of the best venues in the city, you need to be there. The friend are Eats Everything and Jon Rundell.
Pretty in Pink, Kraak, Fri Apr 3, £5
Let DJ Molly Ringworm take you back to the 80s for an alternative easter clubbing night. It's at Kraak, so if you've never been, don't expect t find it straight away...
Hot Fuzz, The Back Door, Sat Apr 4, £5
If Easter is all about a man with a big beard, well, so is Hot Fuzz, a new night for the hairy beary types. If you're not sure what a gay bear is, ask some of your gay friends. Then ask them to explain cubs, otters and chasers. It's a whole different world. You can find out more about Hot Fuzz under our alternative Easter listings.
Nicki Minaj, Manchester Arena, Sat Apr 4, £45-£55
One of the world's biggest stars comes to Europe's biggest arena. She's sometimes got big hair. It'll be a big night out then.

And finally, whilst it's not strictly a thing to do, sit back and enjoy 25 stunning photos of Manchester in solitude by Tom Quaye.