Between the 16th and 26th of May, be wowed by this showcase of off-the-beaten-track jazz talent, centred on northern artists. Featuring nightly gigs at local venue Matt & Phreds, as well as an extended weekend-long party at Band on the Wall to close the fest out, this citywide event is a proven incubator for new talent, and it’s a great way to discover your next musical obsession. It’s Manchester's longest-running music festival for a reason, after all.
May 16-26
Manchester is one of the UK’s most exciting cities, with so much going on, it’s almost hard to keep up. It’s also an excellent place to be if you’re up for embracing the eccentricities; maybe you prefer the idiosyncrasies of indie cinema over the multiplex, or you’d rather see nostalgic, independent or under-the-radar musicians, rather than whoever is currently topping the charts. With that in mind, we’ve teamed up with Hendrick's Gin – champions of life’s more curious side – to round up some of the best arts and culture events in Manchester, for the inquisitive, the interested, and those who are just looking to discover something new.
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