1. Palacio Real de Madrid
    Shutterstock | Palacio Real de Madrid
  2. Palacio Real
    Shutterstock | Palacio Real
  3. Palacio Real de Madrid
    Shutterstock | Palacio Real de Madrid
  4. Palacio Real de Madrid
    Shutterstock | Palacio Real de Madrid

Palacio Real

  • Things to do
  • Austrias

Time Out says

Commissioned by Felipe V after the earlier Alcázar was lost to a fire in 1734, the Royal Palace is rarely used by the royal family today, and many of its 3,000 rooms are open to view. The architects principally responsible for the final design, which reflects the taste of the Spanish Bourbons, were Italian – Giambattista Sacchetti and Francesco Sabatini – with contributions by the Spaniard Ventura Rodríguez. Filippo Juvarra, Felipe V's first choice, had planned a palace four times as large, but after his death the project became a little less ambitious. Completed in 1764, the late-baroque palace is built almost entirely of granite and white Colmenar stone, and, surrounded as it is by majestic gardens, contributes greatly to the splendour of the city.

Inside you must keep to a fixed route, but are free to set your own pace rather than follow a tour. The entrance into the palace is awe-inspiring: you pass up a truly vast main staircase and then through the main state rooms, the Hall of Halbardiers and Hall of Columns, all with soaring ceilings and frescoes by Corrado Giaquinto and Giambattista Tiepolo. In the grand Throne Room there are some fine 17th-century sculptures commissioned by Velázquez, which were saved from the earlier Alcázar. Other highlights are the extravagantly ornate private apartments of the palace's first resident, Carlos III, again decorated by Italians. Particularly striking are the Gasparini Room, the king's dressing room, covered in mosaics and rococo stuccoes by Mattia Gasparini; and the Porcelain Room, its walls covered entirely in porcelain reliefs. A later addition is another giant: the State Dining Room, redesigned for King Alfonso XII in 1880 and still used for official banquets. There are also imposing collections of tapestries, table porcelain, gold and silver plates and finally clocks, a particular passion of the little-admired King Carlos IV.

One of the real highlights is the Real Armería (Royal Armoury), reached via a separate entrance off the palace courtyard, with a superb collection of ceremonial armour, much of it actually worn by Carlos V and other Habsburgs. Look out too for the suits of armour worn by El Cid and his horse – impressively displayed on life-size statues. On the other side of the courtyard the Real Farmacia, the Royal Pharmacy, is also worth a visit. One of the oldest in Europe, it was wholly dedicated to attending to the many ailments of Spain's crowned heads over several centuries. The palace is closed to the public when official receptions or ceremonies are due, so it's a good idea to check before visiting. On the first Wednesday of each month the Royal Guard stages a ceremonial Changing of the Guard in the courtyard, at noon.

There are tours of the palace throughout the day, but frequency depends on the volume of visitors.


Bailén, s/n
Ópera (M: L2, L5), Plaza de España (M: L3, L10)
€10; reduced €5 (5-16s, over-65s, students; free under-5s, 18 May (International Museum Day), Mon-Thu 4pm-6pm Oct-Mar and 6pm-8pm Apr-Sep for EU citizens and residents and Latin American citizens.
Opening hours:
Oct-Mar daily 10am-6pm; Apr-Sep daily 10am-8pm
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