Suso 33, from the streets to the museums

To talk about Suso 33 is talk about the cream of the crop in urban art. He's one of the giants of Spanish street art, so much so that his work isn’t present just on the streets, but also in important museums. A Madrid native, he has left a huge imprint on the Spanish capital over the years. Perhaps his most famous work looms over Plaza del Poeta Leopoldo de Luis, and features a multitude of human figures that together form a silhouette of a much larger person. Recently, this trailblazer of iconic graffiti created a mural in homage to Miguel de Cervantes, with peculiar portrayals of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza cast across the building that marks the entrance to Av. Reyes Católicos de Alcalá de Henares. He's done a mural of Cervantes on the Antigua Fábrica de Harinas.