It’s a Cinch, Carmen, lingerie by Warner’s, 1951
©Lillian BassmanIt’s a Cinch, Carmen, lingerie by Warner’s, 1951
©Lillian Bassman

PhotoEspaña 2014: The best of the exhibitions

Each summer Madrid becomes the photography capital with the international festival of photography and visual arts PhotoEspaña. These are the best of the exhibitions.

When summer comes to Madrid, you know it. It's not just the heat and everyone hanging out on terraces, but all those little yellow flags everywhere and the programmes in the city's galleries and cultural centres that mean PhotoEspaña (PHE) is in town. It's the perfect plan for those summer mornings and evenings when we just want to be happy and enjoy what the season brings.

Mark your calendar now with these dates: from June 4 to July 27, 2014, you can take in 108 exhibitions, with the participation of 440 artists and the very best of contemporary photography. This year there's something new afoot. Over the next three editions, PHE programming will be devoted to a country, rather than a subject, as the festival has done until now.

The 2014 edition focuses on Spanish photography, starting off the country theme on home turf. In addition to the exhibitions, the festival encompasses professional networking, photography workshops (at the PHE Campus in La Fábrica and Fundación Lázaro Galdiano), lectures, panel discussions, portfolio viewings, guided tours, family workshops, competitions, screenings, and even augmented reality activities in the Madrid Metro. Almería, Cádiz, Cuenca, Logroño, Zaragoza, and Toulouse and London are invited for this edition.

This internationalf estival of photography and visual arts was founded in 1998, and has since become one of the largest international forums of this art form, with festivals in Brazil and Venezuela now as well, via PhotoEspaña Brasil and the Trasatlántica programme. In case you can make it to all 108 exhibitions, we've selected the top 10 we predict everyone will be talking about this summer, so you'll definitely want to catch them.
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