Museo del Prado
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Museo del Prado

Museums and galleries in Spain (and beyond) you can visit from home

Museums and galleries in Madrid and beyond offer virtual visits as we stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus


In Madrid, Barcelona and beyond, museums and art galleries are doing their part to slow the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 by remaining temporarily closed. And they’re also contributing to helping us get our art fix by providing online versions of their collections for us to enjoy. So settle in to discover artists and great works, as we continue to cultivate thought and creativity together with visits to virtual museums from home. (We also recommend following hashtags like #MuseumsAtHome and #MuseosEnCasa.)

Virtual museums in Madrid, Barcelona and around Spain

  • Museums
  • Art and design
  • Sants - Montjuïc

Have a look at the MNAC's collections, from the Apse of Sant Climent de Taüll to the Virgin of the Consellers altarpiece, from baroque still lifes to Catalan modernist paintings. The website offers other resources as well, like a puzzle made from an artwork of your choice and the application Second Canvas (which is available from other museums as well), which lets you get up close to see details of the works. The MNAC is active these days via the hashtag #elMuseuNacionalACasa.

  • Art
  • Alonso Martínez

To deal with this period of confinement, the gallery in Alonso Martínez (as well as Barcelona's Marlborough in the Eixample neighbourhood) wants to keep offering content to art lovers. Pay attention to their social networks, which they're using to post commentary on artworks by experts and virtual visits to studios of artists such as Juan Genoves, Antonio Lópe, Blanca Muñoz and Soledad Sevilla. Follow them at #MarlboroughEnTuCasa, #ArteADomicilio and #YoMequedoEnCasa.

  • Museums
  • History
  • Dreta de l'Eixample
  • price 1 of 4
Egyptian Museum (Barcelona)
Egyptian Museum (Barcelona)

You can download the museum's app for Apple and Android phones and visit Barcelona's collection of Egyptian art with an audio guide. Available in four languages, including English.

Virtual visits to international museums

The Uffizi Gallery is one of the most well-known and most-visited art galleries in Italy. Virtually enter the Florentine palace to enjoy the statue gallery, and works by Boticcelli, Leonardo, Rubens and other big names in the world of art.


While Tate's four galleries are temporarily closed, the Tate website is offering up more than a virtual tour: it's brought together 78,000 works of art by 4,000 artists as well as more than 20,000 documents. One of the best places to fortify yourself with visual culture and contemporary thought.


If you've got a whole day free, why not spend it learning about the iconography and history of the figures represented in the Sistine Chapel, one of the jewels of the Vatican Museums, which is also open for virtual tours.


This five-hour one-take video, which is actually an iPhone 11 advert, has the added bonus of taking you on a tour inside the Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.


Welcome to the British Museum and Google's Museum of the World. Fasten your seatbelt and travel via an interactive design that offers images and texts about art and design, life and death, power and identity, religion and belief, and trade and conflict.

And when the confinement period is over...

  • Art

From Spain’s most important collection of paintings in the Prado to the veritable palace of contemporary art that is the Reina Sofía, the Spanish capital is home to many of the greatest works of art by some of history’s most important artists. So you don’t miss anything, we’ve chosen a baker’s dozen of the best museums for you to visit during your time in Madrid.

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