When it rains in Los Angeles, it’s pretty much all anyone can talk about. “We need this rain so badly.” “Free car wash!” “Ugh, but traffic is going to be terrible.” “How is it possible that people actually forget how to drive when it rains here?!” You know the refrains.
You also know that you’ll start craving a hot, savory bowl of ramen or pho as soon as the first drops hit the dry pavement (but did you know that wet pavement smell has a name?). And all of a sudden, it feels like the right time to head to the nearest movie theater to catch up on the latest releases—or cuddle up on the couch with some Netflix.
Don’t fight it—make the most of inclement weather. Sure you may have to skip the beach or that hike you were planning on taking, but you can make the most of it with the best things do on a rainy day in Los Angeles. Oh and may we suggest avoiding the roads and taking Metro instead?