The Moth Mainstage

  • Things to do, Literary events
  • Recommended

Time Out says

Originated in New York City, The Moth is an open-mic storytelling show that has spread across the country, all the way to Los Angeles, where there’s certainly no dearth of performers. There’s a pre-announced theme for each Moth show (“nerve,” “grudges,” “shifting gears,” “fall from grace,” “taking sides”). Unlike The Moth's Story Slams (happening almost weekly around LA), the mainstage show is just that: a more official performance with the storytellers chosen ahead of time. An all-star slam, if you will. Performers get five minutes to tell a cohesive (and true!) story—with beginning, middle and end—that falls under the theme. The story (and its telling) is scored from 1 to 10 by qualified judges. A tip for viewers: Look at the schedule beforehand and pick a show with a theme that interests you; if you just went through a breakup, it would suck to show up at “true love” night. Just sayin'.


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