The hour stands before another springtime, and the Renaissance Pleasure Faire is nigh. Good mistresses and masters, prepareth thy schedules and costumes for the return of the oldest Ren Faire in the country, a spectacle that cov’reth 20 Irwindale acres with Elizabethan libations and amusement: fully armored joust tournaments and tea parties with the queen along with beguiling stage acts, rides, games, delicious edibles and ales abound. The festivities will transpire each weekend at the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area; procureth day or season passes in advance by visiting ye olde online box office. And no, we can’t stop talking like this.
When is the Renaissance Pleasure Faire near Los Angeles?
The event takes place Saturdays and Sundays (10am–7pm) from April 5 to May 18, 2025, at the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area in Irwindale.
How much are tickets?
Tickets cost $44 for adults, $39 for seniors (62+) and those with military IDs, $22 for kids ages 5 to 12 and are free for kids 4 and under. A season pass costs $250. Parking is $12, with a VIP option available for $25.