Cirque du Soleil: Volta
Photograph: Matt Beard
  • Theater, Circuses & magic
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Cirque du Soleil: ‘Volta’


Time Out says

A reality competition show, a buff clown named Mr. Wow, throngs of smartphone-addicted followers, a blue-anime-haired protagonist trying to fit in—yep, this is a Cirque du Soleil plot, alright.

And while French Canadian megatroupe’s latest touring show may lack some of the same transportive ambience as some other Cirque shows, its physics-defying circus acts are just as thrilling—particularly a synchronized freestyle BMX finale. You’ll feel positively inadequate as you watch performers jump double dutch at warp speed, spring through tight rings, bound and wall jump off trampolines, and swing from ladders and lanterns. Oh, and one aerialist suspsends herself using nothing more than her hair. Ow.

Tying it all together: A live band that rips through a score from M83’s Anthony Gonzalez, whose recent swerve towards maximalist electro-prog has finally found its perfect match.


$49 and up
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