Frustrated by the dating app struggle? We feel you. That’s why Time Out Los Angeles is launching the Undateables, a series in which we send two eligible singles on a date at some of our favorite local spots in the hopes of striking up a new spark. Following the night out, the daters report back with their candid thoughts on first impressions, chemistry and (of course) the inevitable awkward moments. This time, we sent Natalie and Kevin to L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele in Hollywood—read on to see how it went.
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Natalie is a 27-year-old postdoctoral research scientist.
Kevin is a 27-year-old copywriter.
Why they’re single:
Natalie: She says she’s not the most patient person.
Kevin: He’s a hopeless romantic and holding out for a good meet-cute.
Ideal date:
Natalie: A nighttime car ride and then going to Griffith Observatory.
Kevin: An art pop-up or a barcade, something where there’s a lot to see and then you can talk about it after.

First impression
Natalie: “He was dressed very nicely. And then he actually brought flowers which was really nice—I don’t think I’ve ever gone on a first date where someone has brought me flowers before.”
Kevin: “I thought she was really cute. I saw her kind of sitting with her arms crossed and I totally thought that she was mad that I was a few minutes late. But then I introduced myself, and she was super cool.”
Natalie: “Romantically, probably not. But just in terms of talking as friends, it was really easy for me to talk to him. We come from super different career backgrounds, but I watch a lot of TV so it was pretty easy to connect on that.”
Kevin: “She’s really easy to talk to, super interesting, really smart, and we had a similar sense of humor. I think there was a little bit [of romantic chemistry] but it wasn’t the most—it wasn’t undeniable, I guess.”

Awkward moment
Natalie: “At the very beginning, it was a little bit awkward because neither of us knew what what to expect. And we were being photographed, you know? And I’m just like, am I supposed to pose?”
Kevin: “I think at the beginning I just thought she was a little upset that I was late.”
Natalie: “He actually lives in Highland Park so we ended up splitting an Uber, and then we exchanged numbers and that was it. I think he’s a really cool person, so I wouldn’t be opposed to getting to know him more, but I also probably wouldn’t go out of my way to ask him out.”
Kevin: “Some of the conversation was starting to die down and we end up taking our desserts to go. I asked her if I could give her my number and she said yeah, she was cool with it. And then we shared an Uber back toward Highland Park and then Pasadena—but our Uber driver was like the most intense Uber driver ever.”

Verdict [On a scale of five hearts]
Natalie: ♥♥♥ “I feel like with the date itself was really nice, but we didn’t have that much romantic chemistry—but it was easy to talk to him, like old friends.”
Kevin: ♥♥♥♥ “I think it was a solid Monday night, I had a great time. Natalie was a lot of fun, she was great company, really funny and cool to talk to. And the food was really delicious.”
Our daters went to L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele.
Natalie: “Oh, it was really nice. I liked it a lot. I think the ricotta stuffed squash blossoms that we got for an appetizer was really good—and the setting was gorgeous.”
Kevin: “I really like that restaurant. I like their pasta a lot. I had the spaghetti alla Nerano—I’m still thinking about it. Sometimes visiting Hollywood isn’t always the most fun, but once you’re in the restaurant you’re in a whole different world.”
Maybelline Fit Me foundation was provided to Undateable participants along with concealer, powder and blush. Visit the Fit Me foundation match finder to find the perfect shade for you to wear on your next date.