Frustrated by the dating app struggle? We feel you. That’s why Time Out Los Angeles is launching the Undateables, a series in which we send two eligible singles on a date at some of our favorite local spots in the hopes of striking up a new spark. Following the night out, the daters report back with their candid thoughts on first impressions, chemistry and (of course) the inevitable awkward moments. This time, we sent Brittany and Mike to Avant Garden Bistro on Melrose—read on to see how it went.
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Brittany is a 37-year-old who works in talent partnerships for a PR agency.
Mike is a 36-year-old actor who works in operations at a tech start-up.
Why they’re single:
Brittany: She says getting out there and meeting people has been a struggle given her previous career commitments.
Mike: He says he values his independence and likes the flexibility of focusing on his own time and work.
Ideal date:
Brittany: Going to a great new restaurant and trying something new.
Mike: A hike in Griffith Park with drinks after and a small Thai meal.

First impression
Brittany: “He was very charming. He stood when I arrived, which I thought was really kind of welcoming. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but when I got there and saw him I was pleasantly surprised and it eased any of my nerves.”
Mike: “So she was late which I was kind of disappointed by. She seemed nice, but I wouldn’t say it was magnetic from the jump.”
Brittany: “He was a self-proclaimed extrovert, so I think it was easy for him to keep the conversation going. Because he’s a very engaging person, I was trying to understand what was his interest in engaging with me versus just being personable—I’m not quite sure I felt the romantic spark.”
Mike: “We filled the conversation pretty good up until the end. She seemed nice, but I don’t know, our conversations never penetrated beyond surface level. It kind of felt like I was eating with a coworker, almost.”
Awkward moment
Brittany: “He called me ‘brah’ like twice in the middle of a conversation.”
Mike: “They put us in like a six-person booth. I sat on the edge of the booth waiting for her to arrive, I got up and said ‘hello’ and then when I sat back down I sort of scooted towards the center to try to get closer to her and she stayed on the other end.”
Brittany: “We ended up skipping dessert—I think it was just because we were full. And then we just kind of wrapped up and then left and went our separate ways. I was waiting to see if he was going to ask for my number, but it was kind of just a ‘thanks for a good night and see you later.’”
Mike: “We parted ways and said goodbye. She parked left, I parked right and that was sort of it.”

Verdict [On a scale of five hearts]
Brittany: ♥♥♥♥ “I had a really great time. I wouldn’t say ‘no’ if he asked me out again just to get to know him a little bit on a deeper level. But I essentially got the vibe pretty quickly that it was kind of a friend zone situation. It felt like more of a buddy vibe.”
Mike: ♥♥♥ “It was sort of your average date. We met, we were cordial, we kept it going, but it just didn’t seem like it was ever going to go past that. It felt sort of business-like.”
Our daters went to Avant Garden Bistro.
Brittany: “They had a beautiful garden—but we sat inside, which was a little dark. But the wait staff was really nice. There was a garlic pasta dish that we had and the avocado and rice appetizer, and that was delicious. Also, I had a cucumber cocktail and it was beautiful.”
Mike: “They had a [vegan] pasta that was incredible. If I would’ve had it blind I would’ve guessed it was a bolognese with actual meat. It was so good. Also, it’s really beautiful inside; the bar was stunning, the open windows were beautiful, the garden looked nice, the staff was really, really nice—the waitress was so passionate and knowledgable.”
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