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Mad Menmay be over, but the martini-drinking, steak-consuming era of the ’60s still lives on. In Manhattan Beach, it comes in the form of the Arthur J, a steakhouse by chef David LeFevre. Curved booths and geometric patterns can be found here, along with an equally decade-appropriate menu to go along with it. Steaks—big ones, so you’d be wise to share—are available in various cuts, wet or dry, with both obvious sauces (béarnaise) and ones that might make you pause (Vietnamese caramel). Kansas City strip, rib eye, wagyu, New York strip and more are all represented here, but you’d be wise to start with the popovers, which come with a strawberry butter that is thoroughly addictive. Once you’ve made it through the steaks, old-school desserts await on the other side: a banana split, maybe, or an apple fritter topped with ice cream cream.
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