
What’s your favorite place in L.A. that you can’t wait to return to?

We asked 10 of our favorite L.A. comedians the first place they plan on visiting once life gets back to something close to normal.

Michael Juliano
Written by
Michael Juliano
Editor, Los Angeles & Western USA
L.A. Central Library
Photograph: Michael Juliano

It’s been months since we’ve set foot inside of a museum or gone out to see a movie, concert or comedy show (that wasn’t from within our cars). And, with the slumber-party–like days of stay-at-home far behind us, we’ll be honest: We’re really starting to pine for a night out at the places that make us most love L.A.

We were curious what’s topping Angelenos’ out-and-about bucket lists for when life returns to something sort of like normal, so we reached out to our favorite rising L.A. comedians (who we also checked in with to see how they’ve coped with more time at home). Below, these are the comedy clubs, neighborhood hangouts and city landmarks that they’d love to return to once L.A.’s reopening plans get back on track. 

Clockwise from top left: Chinedu Unaka, Sahana Srinivasan, Christina Catherine Martinez, Paul Danke
Clockwise from top left: Chinedu Unaka, Sahana Srinivasan, Christina Catherine Martinez, Paul Danke. Photographs: Mandee Johnson Photography

Chinedu Unaka

My comedy club homes and the Staples Center! I can’t wait to see live sports and performances again!

Sahana Srinivasan
Follow Sahana on her website

I would eat at Woodlands in Chatsworth—it has the most authentic vegetarian South Indian food I’ve had in California. I know it’s good because I took my parents there one time and they weren’t mad.

Paul Danke

The place I’d most like to get back to is the Hollywood Bowl, it’s such a magical venue. I was supposed to see Toots and the Maytals at Reggae Night this summer. He is just the most inspiring performer, I can’t wait to see him again—although Toots does do a lot of call-and-response stuff and even after things are “back to normal”… I don’t think I’m gonna be feeling that as much. (Just kidding Toots, I love you and will do whatever you ask as an audience member.)

Christina Catherine Martinez

Most L.A. art galleries are open by appointment, but I miss art openings. I miss hanging out at bar shows and in green rooms—basically any ad hoc social context that involves talking shit with a mix of dear friends and new acquaintances. I can’t wait to workshop an hour at my beloved home theater, the Lyric Hyperion. I can’t wait to do more clubs and perform for well-meaning comedy lovers politely picking at baskets of $20 chicken tenders while I eat shit.

Clockwise from top left: Emily Catalano, Chris Bryant, Finn Straley, Sean Grant
Clockwise from top left: Emily Catalano, Chris Bryant, Finn Straley, Sean Grant. Photographs: Mandee Johnson Photography

Emily Catalano

Any place with live comedy, but especially Largo.

Chris Bryant

As a queer nerd, I totally miss going into my go-to nerd spaces like the Perky Nerd. It’s an awesome, female-owned comic shop. I also miss World-8, which is a local, queer-owned game shop that has partnered with my nonprofit LAGS on multiple gaming tournaments and parties.

Sean Grant

I can’t wait to get back to doing improv at Westside Comedy Theater and stand-up at the Ha Ha in NoHo.

Finn Straley

I know this makes me sound like such a dork but I’m really looking forward to being able to go back to libraries again. The Central Library in Downtown L.A. is my favorite building in Los Angeles, and libraries in general are my favorite place to write. In a place (America) that hates free services so much, it’s incredible to me that the library system even exists, and I love it so much.

As far as venues go I’ve been really missing Stories Books & Cafe in Echo Park. The show there on Saturday nights (Good Heroin run by Dave Ross and Matt Ingebretson) is one of my favorite weekly shows, and I love browsing their selection of books. I’m also excited to go back to the Clubhouse in Los Feliz. They have done an amazing job creating a welcoming and fun place for all kinds of comedy, plus they put on great shows with talent from all over the city.

From left: Anna Seregina, Julia Austin
From left: Anna Seregina, Julia Austin. Photographs: Mandee Johnson Photography

Anna Seregina

I can’t wait to return to the Lyric Hyperion, the Virgil and Little Joy, venues which house and incubate shows that are weird and great. The Satellite was also on this list, but, sadly, it was just announced they will no longer have live entertainment. I will miss them a lot! I will also be waiting at the front door of the Viper Room the MOMENT the severe and wonderful doorwoman turns the lock counterclockwise.

Julia Austin

I really miss the Westside Comedy Theater since I hosted their Tuesday night mic and loved all the personalities that came through and getting to hold that space for other comics to try stuff.

Special thanks to Jane Borden, who helped put this story together.

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