
Listen to the hills of Silver Lake erupt in cheers for medical workers

Michael Juliano
Written by
Michael Juliano
Editor, Los Angeles & Western USA
Silver Lake hills
Photograph: Michael Juliano | |

Evenings in Silver Lake are typically pretty quiet, save for the occasional chorus of coyotes. But for the last few nights, there’ve been more than just canine howls ringing through the hillsides.

Over the weekend, Silver Lake joined the global trend of communities cheering and making all sorts of noise at 8pm to show their appreciation for health care workers. According to KTLA, a local French family who’d been inspired by such a display in Paris posted the idea to Nextdoor. By Sunday, when the cheer for health care and grocery workers occurred, it seems that much of the area had decided to join in.

And since then… it’s just kept going. Check Instagram every night around 8pm and you’ll see a stream of posts from area residents sharing footage of the sounds of cheering, clapping, chimes and gongs echoing across the reservoir and the hills.

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Cheering for #healthcareworkers at 8 o’clock

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💛❤️Thank you healthcare workers ❤️💛 and happy Doctors’ Day to my dad and so many others 🩺

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8pm thank you 🔊

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