Jake Dupree, 29, teaches at Barreworks in Brentwood, several Equinox locations and Booty Works in Sherman Oaks. At the latter location, you’ll find has signature class, a barre workout so intense he’s dubbed it “Jake That Body”: a nonstop combination of barre, HIIT and body-weight resistance training. Dupree’s banter and zingers are a standout of his classes, as well as outside of the fitness studio; he is also a host and fitness instructor on PopSugar Fitness, as well as cosmopolitan.com’s first-ever unicorn-inspired personality, Glitter Fantasy.
We chatted with Dupree about New Year’s resolutions, burlesque shows and bringing fun into the world.
What sets you apart from other fitness instructors?
My sense of humor. I know that fitness changes lives and can help people live healthier, but we’re not curing cancer, we’re working out. My fitness philosophy is to always add an element of comedy because laughing is really great for your abs in general. And if I can make people get out of their heads and forget about their own insecurities for a second, then I’ve done a good job.
How did you start doing what you do?
I moved to L.A. in 2011 for a boy and it didn’t work out. I answered a Craigslist ad from a studio that was looking for a barre instructor and got the job. Through teaching I found my voice and owned my funny—I got to try out my material in my classes. Publications eventually started to write about me and I was rated one of the best barre instructors in L.A. I started teaching at Equinox and elsewhere; I’ve been teaching the “Jake That Body” class at Booty Works for the past two years.
You’re cosmopolitan.com’s resident unicorn correspondent, Glitter Fantasy. What does that entail?
It’s about bringing the sparkle, fun and ridiculous into a world that really needs a good laugh. I’m very happy to let myself look insane so no one else has to.
What do you like to do when you’re not at the gym?
I love burlesque shows, especially “TEASE, If You Please!”. It’s just fun seeing someone who owns their body and gratuitously be like, Look at me. That’s what I imagine myself to be when I’m teaching: a showgirl, basically.
What’s the best way to keep a New Year’s fitness resolution?
Pace yourself. Don’t expect change within a week or a month—set goals you can easily attain and keep up throughout the year. And don’t base your expectations on what other people look like because everyone has a different body type and style.
How is working out in L.A. different from other parts of the country?
Fitness in L.A. is very much a lifestyle. The instructors I respond to offer classes that are an extension of their personalities—it’s a lifestyle that goes beyond just a workout. My class inspires me to feel happy and upbeat and sassy and fun, and that’s the way I live my entire day.
Who inspires you?
My grandmother. Growing up gay in Arkansas can be really tough. When I was a little kid she’d buy me Barbies and allow me to dress up in her clothes and there was no judgement ever. I was bullied and teased a lot, but I always had a safe place with her. She passed away from cancer when I was in 10th grade. Even though she was in some really intense pain she never complained and always wanted everyone around her to feel good. That’s what I try to emulate in everything I do.

Photograph: Gil Riego Jr.
For more info check out jakedupree.com.