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Back in the summer of 2016, a canopy of silver streamers popped up in Pershing Square and transformed the sort-of-sad-looking park into a spectacular installation. Now, the same artists behind the project are back with a similar setup on the Westside.
“Sunset Vestige,” a 5,000-square-foot net of sunset-hued streamers, has come to a grassy slope at Burton Chace Park in Marina Del Rey. The work, the latest “Skynet” piece from artist Patrick Shearn of Poetic Kinetics, will remain on display until July 1.
Photograph: Courtesy Marina del Rey Visitors Bureau
Poetic Kinetics partnered on the piece with the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors (DBH), who’ve asked visitors to share Instagram videos using #sunsetvestige to answer the following question: If this artwork could dance, what song would it dance to? Each week, Poetic Kinetics will share a different entry on its Instagram page.
Shearn and Poetic Kinetics are also known for large-scale music festival installations, like the wing-flapping butterfly (“Caterpillar's Longing”) and video projection spacesuit (“Escape Velocity”) at Coachella. Until you can make it out to the Westside, relive the 2016 Pershing Square installation below.
It's called Liquid Shard and it's only up for a limited time.
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